About Rev. Doc. Lisa E. Graham, Esq.

For over 15 years, Rev. Doc. Lisa has been committed to helping people live healthier, more connected lives filled with meaning, purpose and happiness.
But she started out as a lawyer.

Rev. Doc. Lisa graduated Phi Beta Kappa from the University of Miami’s Honors program in 1992 and began her career as an attorney, practicing corporate finance law in New York City and Hong Kong at the prestigious Cravath, Swaine & Moore after receiving a J.D. in 1996 from New York University School of Law, where she served as Executive Editor of the Review of Law and Social Change. After a time as an in-house attorney for a Fortune 100 Company, she aligned her mind heart and spirit to a life of service.

She’s maintained a holistic healing practice since 2009 and is a Florida licensed and board-certified acupuncturist and herbalist, holding a Masters in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. She's also an ordained interfaith minister and holds a Palliative Care Chaplaincy Certificate from the University of California San Marcos as well as other relational and healing modality certifications. Among other accomplishments, Rev. Doc. Lisa was a staff practitioner and lecturer at Canyon Ranch Health, served as an End-Of-Life Doula with Valley Hospice of Northern New Jersey and served as the nonpareil Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center’s first “spiritual but not religious” chaplain at its main location in New York City.

As an experienced Safe Conversations Trainer, she’s passionate about bringing to the world this transformational way of talking that fosters beautiful new understanding while respecting individuality, enabling connection across difference and creating healing within relationships.

She lives in Miami, Florida with her life partner George, their rescued dogs Gracie and Teddy, and an undisclosed number of pampered cats. 

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