Frequently Asked Questions about Safe Conversations®

The FAQ's below answer the most common questions about my Safe Conversations offerings.

If yours isn't fully answered, please feel free to contact me.

General Safe Conversations FAQ's

  • Who is Safe Conversations for?

    We can all use skills that make our relationships better, so Safe Conversations is for everyone. It's for people who want to relate better and be happier, at home or at work or out in the world in any capacity. This includes singles, couples, friends, relatives, employees and employers - basically anyone who can talk and is over about the age of 14. The skills and understandings are absolutely useful to parents and kids who are even younger, but for kids under 14, I suggest learning in a private setting rather than a Workshop. I have couples, singles, parents and adult children attend.

  • What will I learn with Safe Conversations, exactly?

    You'll learn an eye-opening new way to understand your relationships and powerful, practical, transformational skills to improve them. You'll learn why we fight and what's going on within us when we do. You'll learn a reliable methodology that keeps us feeling safe and connected - and when we aren't (because we're human), for restoring ruptured connection. It's a new technology for relationships that's made possible by our newest understanding of brain and relational sciences. Anyone can learn it, and many are amazed by the benefit when they do.

  • Do I have to know anything or be in a struggling relationship before I learn Safe Conversations?

    No. You don't have to know anything, be in a relationship, be in a ditch in a relationship, consider yourself spiritual or anything else like that to improve the way you relate. Everyone can benefit. It doesn't require that you know your "attachment style" or your "love language" or have done therapy, though I promise there'll be important realizations about yourself! All it requires is an open mind, a willingness to learn, and the desire to improve your relationships and thus your life.

  • Who created Safe Conversations?

    New York Times bestselling authors, 17-time Oprah guests and global titans in the relational field, Drs. Helen Hunt and Harville Hendrix created Safe Conversations as the culmination of over 40 years of relationship expertise. My mentors, Helen and Harville's company has trained hundreds of Safe Conversations Trainers to help share this revolutionary skill set that explains and teaches us why we fight, how we can reconnect, and how we can prevent disconnection from happening so often. They wish for Safe Conversation to move beyond the personal; in today's age of strife and division, humanity greatly needs these relational skills so we can peacefully live together while respecting our differences. Yes, it is possible.

  • Why do you teach Safe Conversations?

    Growing up, I saw and experienced relationships that left me unhappy and confused about many things. For years I chose romantic partners and even friendships that felt like repeats of frustrating and painful childhood experiences. In my late 20's, I re-discovered the work of Drs. Harville and Helen Hendrix which eventually led me out of that darkness and into more empowerment, understanding and skill in my own relationships. More recently Safe Conversations - and not therapy - saved my relationship with my life partner George (at the time we'd been together over 11 years). Witnessing how the Safe Conversations toolbox works in my life and in the lives of those I help and coach in my healing practice, I felt called to become an official teacher of the technique myself. I'm driven to share it so more and more may benefit. For more about my journey, here's my bio.

Intro to Safe Conversations FAQ's

  • Why book Intro to Safe Conversations? Who is it for?

    Intro to Safe Conversations is a short introduction to a new and healthy way of relating. You're sure to get at least one big "aha!" moment. Plan to bring a friend, partner, spouse, older child, cousin, sibling, parent, work colleague - whomever you'd like to experience this beautiful introduction to a new, better way of relating with you. If you want to come alone, I can do the exercises with you. You'll still get a lot out of it. For more comprehensive learning, I suggest a 4 hour Workshop. For deep and tailored learning right off the bat, a Private Course is the way to go.

  • How long is Intro to Safe Conversations?

    2 hours, at an easy pace and with one break. It's just enough time and practice to show you the potential and power of Safe Conversations.

  • If I do it online, will I be recorded?


  • How do I prepare?

    For either in-person or online Intro to Safe Conversations, simply follow the instructions I'll email to you in advance regarding materials you'll need handy. Come with an open heart and mind! If you're choosing online, ensure you have a stable internet connection and camera, basic familiarity with Zoom and a comfy chair.

  • Is there support for further learning?

    Yes. The Intro is a gentle and great place to start. The Workshop is also gentle, but more comprehensive. In addition, I provide deeper and more tailored learning in private sessions and a Private Course, (see below). I'm with you, on the journey.

Workshop-Specific FAQ's

  • Will I learn Safe Conversations in one Workshop?

    You'll learn all the principles of this new way of relating in this engaging Workshop. More comprehensive than the Intro, the Workshop lays a solid foundation for relating in a new and better way that brings more peace and fulfillment to your life. Unlike in the Intro, you'll get to practice gently sharing a frustration in a way that can be heard and can lead to a solution, rather than a fight. Like any new skill and understanding, some of the new approaches and skills take practice to fully incorporate into daily life. For those who want deep and tailored learning right off the bat, I suggest a private course with me.

  • How long is the Workshop? How many breaks will there be?

    The Workshop generally takes about 4 hours, with plenty of breaks lasting 5-10 minutes each. If you need a break, just ask.

  • Do I have to share personal things in the Workshop?

    No. Any sharing is optional, although many feel that the sharing adds richness to the experience. You'll practice the skills privately with the person you came with or another participant, if you attend solo.

  • How do I prepare for the Workshop?

    Kindly follow the instructions I'll email to you in advance regarding materials you'll need handy. Come with an open heart and mind! If your Workshop is online, ensure you have a stable internet connection and camera, basic familiarity with Zoom and a comfy chair.

  • How many Workshop tickets do I need if I come alone, or with someone?

    One registration gives you access to one or two people. So, with one registration you can come alone or bring someone - a friend, partner, spouse, older child, cousin, sibling, parent, work colleague - whomever you'd like to experience this beautiful introduction to a new, better way of relating with you.

  • Will I be recorded?

    We may record the group Workshop interactions so we can improve it going forward, as well as for marketing purposes. However, we will not record the "private" parts of the Workshop - that is, when you'll be practicing the skills in private or in Zoom breakout rooms.

  • Is there support for further learning after a Workshop?

    Yes. I provide deeper and more tailored learning in private sessions and a Private Course (see below). I'm with you, on the journey.

  • Can I arrange for a Workshop for my private group?

    Yes. Please contact me to arrange for a private group workshop in person or online.

Private Sessions and Private Course FAQ's

  • How can I learn Safe Conversations privately or more deeply than is available in the Intro or Workshop?

    There are two ways to do this. First, you can take a deep and tailored 8-session Private Course, available here. The Private Course is the best way to ensure lasting, meaningful and wonderful change. Second, you can continue with a single individual private practice session available here. Both my Private Course and private sessions provide an opportunity for practice, questions and support. Many people get so excited by the Intro or Workshop that they right away want to deepen their learning and practice the tools.

  • Can I start by booking a single private session and see how I feel about that before moving on?

    No. The private sessions assume a foundation has been built with either the Intro, the Workshop or the Private Course. The Intro is the shortest way to get introduced to Safe Conversations!

  • What's special about the Private Course for two?

    My Private Course provides a safe container for a deep, transformational and customized experience. You and your relationship will be forever changed for the better. I tailor the examples and teachings for your particular situation and relationship, be that husband and wife, mother and daughter, business or life partners, etc. Your situation guides the experience and the pacing as well. I provide materials, in-between session suggestions for practice, weekly reflections on your journey and support for your Safe Conversations adventure. Since it takes on average 66 days to change a habit, the course is designed to be weekly for 8 weeks to support integration; however, the timing can be tailored as well. At the conclusion of a course experience, you'll be in a very different place in your relationship have the skills to maintain a wonderful connection.

Still Have Questions?

By Appointment Virtually or in Person

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*Safe Conversations is for educational purposes only. It is not therapy.