Safe Conversations is for Everyone.

We can all use better tools for relating and communicating. As the testimonials below illustrate, Safe Conversations is incredible for couples - but goes well beyond them. No matter your role(s) - husband, father, mother, wife, parent, kid, sibling, cousin, coworker or friend - if you're 14 and older and want to improve your relationships, you can transform the way you relate and equip yourself with tools that can change your life, forever.

Here's what some have shared about

their Safe Conversations Experiences:

Wife of 26 years finds new hope for her marriage.

"I truly believe that this way of communicating can change our marriage. I was so surprised that I could share with Shannon my real concerns, the feelings they brought up, and reasons behind those feelings. You did such an excellent job of reducing the anxiety that comes from learning a new skill and from sharing honestly.  It was so helpful to learn about the two brain parts and how so many of our interactions as a couple are responding to our own prior hurts. How wonderful to have a way to move to a calmer, mentally processed, non-blaming conversation.

Thank you again Lisa, you gave us the gift of the Advent Season; hope."

- Cheryl Scott, Claremont, CA - December 2023 Workshop and private course participant.

Mother and daughter forgive and reunite.

"An 8 session course kicked off a journey for my mother and I to rediscover each other after a 2-year estrangement. Lisa held space for us, educated and challenged us, and gave us grace as we bumbled through learning the skills. We learned practical ways to bring safety into everyday moments and the science behind why our brains function the way they do. I'd believed for some time that my mother and I were lost to each other, until Lisa led us to defy age-old trauma, remove negativity from our relationship and fill the space between us with affirmation and validation. If you're looking for a way forward in a difficult but important relationship, this is the place for you. Do the work. Bring an open mind. Follow Lisa's guidance. And even after all that, release expectation. That's where the magic happens. We're forever grateful to Lisa for bringing us home."

- Victoria Sampaio Coster, 2024

Frustrated father and husband dramatically improves relationships.

“The workshop with Rev. Doc. Lisa was very instrumental in improving communication with my spouse and children. No longer was I always mad and creating a toxic environment with my family because I did not know how to constructively discuss frustrations I may have with them and vice versa. I also learned how to share appreciations with them that made them feel seen and heard.

After learning these skills, I can truly say my relationship with my wife and children has improved dramatically and may indeed have saved my marriage.”

- Hector Gomez, Pharmaceutical Research Company Owner - 2023 Workshop and private session participant

Single professional at last understands lifelong fear.

"I attended Rev. Doc. Lisa’s Safe Conversations workshop and was paired with a lovely woman. We did the exercises together and I realized from the compassionate mirroring and active listening that my life-long fear of technology was tied to a childhood experience of missing months of school due to a childhood illness and feeling panicked around subjects where I don’t feel “caught up.” It was a revelation to reflect on the historic roots of current frustrations, fears and other triggers.

Rev. Doc. really created a safe space in which to explore vulnerability and discomfort. It was really something! I highly recommend the workshop -  even if you are single!"

- Demitra Vasiliadis, Speaker and Counselor, NYC - 2023 Workshop participant

Attorney weeps at new meaning of washing dishes.

This is a very powerful teaching method, which I can attest to as I turned into a weeping willow over the topic of dishes. If we hadn't done the class, I would not have made the root connection to what was there! I'm looking forward to trying the new techniques that we covered today. It's definitely going to take some getting used to, I hadn't realized how hard it would be to restate what I was hearing.

You are absolutely the right person to be teaching this, and bringing increased awareness to this structured process. Your commitment to this teaching method and mastery of it show through; I just feel lucky that I got to learn this today with you.

- Ellie Morrison, Esq., Attorney, Miami, Florida - 2023 Workshop participant

Human Resources Professional finds tools she needs to communicate with husband and kids.

I felt empowered after the workshop because I learned how to express myself without criticism and judgment. I have a vessel for communication! I was able to say it all with my husband Sean - whereas before I never felt safe and never had the words. I focus more now on the way I say things with my children. I'm also creating more intentional time together with my husband. We need a date night! This was A HUGE STEP FORWARD. Now we have the tools we need."

- Dayami Emory, Fortune 300 Human Resources Professional and Lifestyle Influencer (@DayamifromMiami), 2023 Workshop Participant

Estate Planning Attorney's eyes (and ears) are opened.

"I just want to express my gratitude to you for the amazing Safe Conversations workshop. I really didn’t expect the huge breakthrough that I experienced! I believe that this eye opener is really critical for everyone who wants to improve communications skills and relationships in their life. I was quite surprised to learn so much about myself. I also learned how much I needed to improve my listening skills. Thank you so much for your brilliant leadership and amazing work as a facilitator.

With love and gratitude,"

- Alexandra Rider, Esq., Rider Law LLC - 2023 Workshop participant

Business Owner learns what our parents didn't teach us.

"I was able to appreciate the fact that no matter who we are as far as our age, cultural or religious background, accomplishments, professions, etc. We all struggle with many of the same challenges when it comes to our most intimate relationships and communication. It truly is not a skill that we are taught or shown growing up for most of us."

- Ketty Urbay, Property Management Company Owner and Dance Leader, Miami, Florida - 2023 Workshop participant

Young couple understands origins of feelings and finds practical tools.

"Dylan and I were able to learn really important things about why we feel the way we feel. I learned that I talk through how I feel and that I need to practice with myself first before coming to my partner for the sake of being succinct. Mirroring is also going to be very important for us and we discovered the importance of such a simple practice."

- Rebecca Camejo, Miami, Florida - 2023 Workshop participant

Litigation Attorney learns effective communication tools.

"I didn’t know what to expect.  I attended without a partner and was concerned that going solo might present a problem in terms of the exercises and usefulness. I was pleasantly surprised.  The 4 hours went by extremely quickly.  For the exercises, I was paired with another person attending solo, and it was a very smooth process.  In terms of the substance of the program, many of the skills taught are valuable and can be used even when you are interacting with someone who is not familiar with Safe Conversations. 

In addition to teaching how to connect better through Safe Conversations, Rev. Doc. Lisa also explained why these methods are effective.  By understanding the “why,” you can employ many of the skills in your dealings with people who are not educated in Safe Conversations.  I have already started using some of the methods I learned in the workshop – in both personal and professional contexts -- and can report that they do work.  This is a great program, and I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to improve the relationships in their life." 

- Elizabeth B. Honkonen, Esq., Litigation Attorney, Miami, Florida - 2023 Workshop participant

Woman's great release!

"This was wonderful! So well crafted and given in such a way that it didn't feel overwhelming. It was grounded and honest, I felt safe and at ease. My aha moment was realizing through the frustration dialogue that I was holding onto much more than I was realizing. Great release!"

- Susan Black, Benecia, California, 2023 Workshop participant

Acupuncturist makes a connection.

"This was so interesting. I learned about the importance of processing and using safe conversations to create a container for processing the root of emotional hurt and creating connection."

- Christina Casado, Acupuncturist, Miami, Florida - 2023 Workshop participant

Commercial Real Estate Broker will use tools to better marriage.

"We loved it!  Really impressed with the tools and confident they will better our marriage! Thank you for being you!"

- David R, Commercial Real Estate Broker, 2023 Worskhop participant

Hypnotherapist excited about the tools.

"The workshop was well instructed and perfectly organized. I very much look forward to using the tools to improve my relationships."


- Simon Strong, Tiger Eye Healing -
2023 Workshop participant

Devoted husband appreciates a safe place to be vulnerable.

"We are very grateful to have received "safe space between us" techniques that are facilitating improved communication between us already. Lisa, thank you so much for your expertise and for making our time together a space safe for vulnerability and growth."

- Shannon Scott, 2023 Workshop participant

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*Safe Conversations is for educational purposes only. It is not therapy.